Croustilles de bananes Plantains vs. Lyophilisées : Quel croquant choisir ?

Plantain vs. Freeze-Dried Banana Chips: Which Crunchy One Should You Choose?

May 09, 2023Karissa Paré

The question of the famous plantain chips vs. our freeze-dried banana chips comes up very often and we decided to answer it with a complete blog article on the subject!

What is the difference between freeze-dried plantains and bananas, and which option is healthier?

Plantain chips and freeze-dried banana chips are two different products, mainly due to their preparation process and texture. So here are the main differences between the two:

Preparation process

  • Plantain chips: These are made by thinly slicing plantains and then frying them in oil. After frying, they are salted or seasoned to add flavor. Spicy Plantain Chips SS-Frutas Imports | Metro

  • Freeze-dried banana chips: These are made by dehydrating banana slices using a freeze-drying process. Freeze-drying involves freezing the food and then removing moisture through sublimation (directly changing from solid to gas).

Freeze Dried Sliced ​​Bananas


  • Plantain Chips: Since they are fried, their texture is crispy and crunchy. They tend to be higher in fat due to the frying, which can give them a slightly oily taste.

  • Freeze-dried banana chips: They have a light and crispy texture, but they are less greasy than fried plantain chips. They are dry to the touch and can be a little lighter and airier in the mouth.


  • Plantain Chips: Due to frying, plantain chips often have a rich, deep flavor, with a hint of saltiness if seasoned. Frying can also impart a slight oily flavor.

  • Freeze-dried banana chips: Freeze-dried banana chips have a more concentrated banana flavor because the freeze-drying process preserves the natural flavors. They can have a natural sweetness without the addition of salt, oil, or sugar.


  • Plantain chips: In general, they tend to be higher in calories and fat due to frying. They can also provide a high amount of salt, depending on the flavor of the chips.

  • Freeze-dried banana chips: Since they are processed without added fat, salt or sugar, they tend to be lower in fat and calories, while retaining most of the banana's natural nutrients.

In summary, plantain chips are fried and have a crispy texture, rich flavor, and higher fat content, while freeze-dried banana chips are dehydrated, have a light, crispy texture, a more concentrated banana flavor, and lower fat content. Choosing between the two depends on your texture and flavor preferences, as well as your nutritional goals.

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